Rancho Santa Fe Tree Care
Above: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Sometimes, it's the smallest things (such as this bark beetle) that take down the biggest trees.
Above: At Rancho Santa Fe Tree Care, we pride ourselves not on how many removals we perform, but on how many we prevent.
Above: Trees are no different than people in that routine "hygiene" is the key to ensuring more serious ailments never present themselves.
Above: Our all-natural foliar spray deals swiftly and decisively with common pests, yet is non-toxic to pets and humans.
Above: Containing locally-harvested beneficial probiotic strains, our spray nourishes and moisturizes the tree while providing lasting protection.
Above: Another key benefit is debridement: the loosening and elimination of dead plant matter and impurities caused by pollution and otherwise.
Above: Look up, look down, look all around. Environmental factors are the "root" of most common tree problems, most of which can be easily prevented.
Above: Don't wait for disaster to strike. Plan a scheduled upkeep routine with Rancho Santa Fe Tree Care and nip tree problems "in the bud".
Above: Rancho Santa Fe Tree Care: Serving Rancho Santa Fe, Fairbanks Rancho, Olivenhain, and surrounding communities since 1976. Learn more.