Rancho Santa Fe Tree Care
Above: Behold the crane: Eight tons of lift capacity—enough to move four cars—is more than sufficient to remove most trees with a single cut.
Above: Ground crewmen arrive early to close off El Camino Real's northbound outer lane. Public safety is our highest priority.
Above: The tree removal project is part of a major renovation of La Costa Towne Center (site of the new Equinox gym, formerly the old Vons).
Above: Some of these trees are so large that even though we theoretically could remove them in one piece, there wouldn't be anywhere to set them down.
Above: Theory aside, let's see how the one-cut method plays out in practical reality. This 50' eucalyptus should be ideal for demonstration purposes.
Above: George Washington, crane operator and father of our country, fixes his ever-vigilant eye on on the nation and crane hook.
Above: Just look at that: Is there anything more satisfying than seeing a whole eucalyptus plucked out like a giant dandelion? One easy piece.
Above: Just set that thing down in the back of the truck, make a few cuts, set the rest down, and we're outta here. No mess, no tree trash. See ya!
Above: We're an equal-opportunity employer and promote an enjoyable work environment. To paraphrase Aristotle, you can't do a good job if you're not having fun!