Rancho Santa Fe Tree Care
Above: These lemons are perfect, but how did they get that way? Rancho Santa Fe Tree Care has the know-how that only comes from over 40 years of experience producing prize-winning citrus.
Above: Problems manifest themselves in all shapes and sizes: These tiny bark beetles can devastate your entire grove before anyone even knows they're there (if you don't know what to look for).
Above: Many issues are purely environmental and can be avoided by taking simple precautions. Overwatering and underwatering are two of the most common and are both totally prevantable.
Above: Our all-natural foliar spray feeds, waters, cleanses, and guards against pests with no synthetic chemicals or pesticides, just probiotics that have lived in symbiosis with trees for millions of years.
Above: At Rancho Santa Fe Tree Care, we take a "macro" approach when evaluating your grove: How healthy is the grove itself? What is its status, viewed as a single organism?
Above: We also take a "micro" approach (yin and yang): "How healthy is this particular trunk? How perfect is this individual lemon? What is the custom prescription for this tree?
Above: Any number of factors can get in the way of achieving that perfect citrus, but with our "whole grove" technique, Rancho Santa Fe Tree Care can help make yours the pride of the covenant.
Above: No commercial or residential job is too big or too small for Rancho Santa Fe Tree Care. Whether you need one tree looked at, or 1000, call or email us for your free consultation today!
Above: Rancho Santa Fe Tree Care: Serving Rancho Santa Fe, Fairbanks Rancho, Olivenhain, and surrounding communities since 1976. Learn more.