Rancho Santa Fe Tree Care

Serving the communities of Rancho Santa Fe, Fairbanks Ranch, and Olivenhain.

(760) 753-4800 | View Galleries

Compliancy consulting (RSFA, SD County): Get your permit applications approved the first time.

Our services include:

Industries served:


  • Landscape
  • Site design
  • Screening and buffering
  • Barriers and fencing
  • Plant selection (native and compliant)
  • Pest control
  • Tree removal
  • Ridgeline and landscape protection
  • Site separation
  • Conservation and preservation

Your trees are an investment. An old-growth ficus or oak is something money can’t buy. Doesn’t it seem crazy that some people leave their trees—which took decades to reach maturity, and which will hopefully be a feature in the yard for decades to come—in the wrong hands? All that time and care, only to be undone in an instant by someone ill-equipped for the task, and then on top of that, to pay for the privilege and then pay again to have it done properly, assuming the tree is even salvageable.

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Not many people think about about it, but your trees comprise a sizable chunk of the total value of your estate. Would you let a cut-rate mechanic work on your car, or would you let an unlicensed contractor remodel your house? Because it’s really no different. Think twice before hiring an arborist. People who don’t know what they’re doing tend to like to over-prune, and that’s something that can’t be undone. Do yourself a favor and help us help you steer clear of common and avoidable mistakes.

PRO TREES Certified Arborists are area specialists. Serving Rancho Santa Fe, California since 1976, we are intimately acquainted with local concerns such as citrus greening disease (HLB) which has had a severe effect on Rancho Santa Fe’s famous orange and lemon groves. At PRO TREES, we’ve developed proven methods to combat HLB, as well as the ambrosia beetle, and Mexican fruit fly—solutions for tree issues unique to Rancho Santa Fe, California.

Would you hire a Mercedes-Benz specialist to look at your Porsche? They’re both cars, right? How different could they be? Ask the same question about Tree Care: Isn’t it wise to hire a specialist who isn’t just knowledgeable, but knowledgeable of the area and its unique concerns?

Learn more about PRO TREES

Rancho Santa Fe (known by locals as “RSF”, or simply, “Rancho”) is an unincorporated enclave of North San Diego County famous for its sprawling eucalyptus, avocado, and citrus groves.

Recently, though, the fabled red gum eucalyptus has featured prominently in the news due to a series of die-offs. The factors involved are compound: Firstly, eucalyptus grow fast and die fast, relative to the life cycles of most other large trees, and a lot of the old ones that were planted at the same time are now reaching maturity. Secondly, a fungal outbreak has upset the red gum’s natural equilibrium. Thirdly, an invasive insect (the gum lerp psyllid) has presented yet an additional factor to the set of problems which, taken together, add up to a veritable perfect storm for the Rancho Santa Fe’s innumerable eucalyptus trees.

As many of us know, Rancho Santa Fe gets its name from the Santa Fe Railway—the company that owned the land now known for its namesake and responsible for planting the original eucalyptus groves for the purpose of making railroad ties. This venture proved unsuccessful, but, due to Rancho Santa Fe’s proximity to the San Dieguito River, it turned out to be a perfect location for agriculture (Rancho Santa Fe lies on what is known as the “avocado belt”). These factors helped contribute to the extraordinary human-to-tree ratio Rancho Santa Fe enjoys today, but where there are trees, there will always be the need for pruning, planting, and preservation, and when that time comes, always be sure to call PRO TREES Certified Arborists, the ONLY area specialists serving Rancho Santa Fe, California.

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